For the cry of the earth
    That each of us might listen with our hearts to the cry of the earth and of the victims of environmental disasters and climate change, making a personal commitment to care for the world we inhabit.
  • Today is Education Sunday. The retiring collection is to raise funds for the Catholic Education Service which works with the Catholic Bishops Conference sharing the aims of high academic standards for all and increased parental choice.
  • Alzheimers Society Memory Walk:
    Anna Davidson will be taking part on Sunday 13th October at Heaton Park. If you would like to sponsor her please go to www.justgiving.com/AnnaDavidson2024 or you can sign the sponsorship form at the back of Holy Family Church.
  • St Vincent de Paul
    The weekly meeting of the older men in the parish for lunch and a chat will be at the Boundary Stone at 1.00pm on Wednesdays whilst the Applewood is refurbished.
  • The SVP may be able to assist you or someone you know who needs help. We could help by providing people in our parish with supermarket food vouchers, essential furniture and home items and energy top ups where these are needed. For more information contact our dedicated SVP number 07566725590.
  • Food Bank:
    Please give generously if you are able. Food donated at church is taken to support our local food bank.