LIVING LAUDATO SI’ RETREAT: Boarbank Hall, Grange Over Sands:
5th – 12th October - A week to explore how to Care for Creation fully in our personal lives and within the Church. Follow themes from Laudato Si’: The Gospel; The Roots of the Crisis; Integral Ecology; Dialogue; Spirituality. Visit
Jesus heals a deaf and mute man. The reading shows Jesus using spittle and touch. The Church celebrates the Sacraments using physical signs. These outward signs help to illustrate our faith.
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful.
And kindle in them the fire of your love.
Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created.
And you will renew the face of the earth.
How do we respond to the needs of those who are sick in our community? Do we care for them or do we ignore them and let others take on the 'burden'? Consider a time when you were sick. In what ways did you feel the love and care of others? How could such care have been improved?
As we begin the Season of Creation let us renew our efforts to protect the Earth which is our home. We can start by doing some really easy things:
- Check for gaps where draughts can get in. Block them using draught excluders. Don't forget the letter box!
- Check to see if your water pipes are sufficiently insulated. This will help to retain heat.